Who To Call When Septic Alarm Goes Off

Having a septic alarm system installed is an excellent way to monitor your septic tank and be notified if there are any issues. Septic alarms are typically installed to detect high water levels that could lead to sewage backups or other problems if not addressed quickly.

If you’ve ever had your septic alarm go off unexpectedly, it can certainly cause panic and confusion on what steps to take next. This article will provide a guide on what to do when your septic alarm sounds, including who to call to have it properly serviced.

Why is My Septic Alarm Going Off?

Septic tank alarms are triggered when the water level inside the tank rises too high or drops too low. There are a few potential reasons an alarm might be set off:

  • Excess water flow – Heavy rainfall, flooding, excessive laundry/dishwashing, or too many long showers can overwhelm the tank with wastewater.

  • Electrical issues – Power surges or outages can cause false alarms.

  • Pump problems – A faulty pump won’t effectively move water into the drain field.

  • Clogs – Blockages prevent proper wastewater drainage from the tank.

  • Broken components – Damaged pumps, switches, or alarms can malfunction.

  • Disconnected power – Alarms may sound if the pump’s electrical connection is interrupted.

What To Do When the Septic Alarm Goes Off

When your septic alarm starts sounding, follow these steps:

1. Silence the alarm

Locate the alarm control panel and press the “silence” or “disable” button to turn off the audible alarm. This buys you some time to address the issue.

2. Check electrical connections

Make sure the pump and alarm system have power and are properly connected. Rule out a false alarm from a temporary power loss.

3. Minimize water use

Avoid laundry, showers, dishwashing, and flushing toilets until the problem is identified. This prevents adding more water to an already overwhelmed tank.

4. Wait and monitor

Give the system several hours to recover with minimal water usage. The pump may just need time to catch up if excess wastewater flooded the tank.

5. Call for repairs if alarm continues

If the alarm persists after waiting, immediately call a septic professional to inspect and repair the system before sewage backs up into your home.

Who To Call for Septic Tank Alarms

If your septic alarm won’t silence or continues sounding after several hours, the system needs professional servicing to address the underlying cause. Call:

  • Your septic installation company or original installer
  • A septic repair contractor
  • A plumbing company that services septic systems
  • A septic pumping service

Look for established local companies with licensed, experienced technicians trained in septic repairs. National septic franchises like Roto-Rooter or Mr. Rooter also have qualified experts to handle alarm issues.

What To Expect From Septic Professionals

When you call for septic alarm repairs, here are services you can typically expect:

  • Emergency pumping – Technicians will likely need to pump out the tank to lower water levels before assessing the problem.

  • System inspection – Once tank levels are safe, they’ll thoroughly inspect the pump, floats, pipes, and other components to troubleshoot issues.

  • Repairs – Any damaged or malfunctioning septic system parts will need repairing or replacing.

  • Follow-up alarm test – They should confirm the alarm is properly functioning again after repairs are complete.

  • Written report – You should receive documentation on any issues found and repairs performed.

  • Guidance on preventing future alarm triggers – Technicians can advise you on proper septic system use and maintenance to help avoid repeat alarm triggers.

Steps To Take Before the Repair Company Arrives

While you wait for the septic service company to arrive, here are some steps to take:

  • Mark the location of your septic tank and access lids for the technicians.

  • Gather any records on your septic system’s age, design, pump schedules, and maintenance history. This aids troubleshooting.

  • Avoid doing laundry or running any additional water into the drains until repairs are finished.

  • Make sure lids and ports on the septic tank are accessible and not buried or blocked.

  • Keep all drains plugged and don’t use toilets to prevent sewage backups.

  • Move vehicles and clear any objects blocking access to the septic tank and drain field area.

Preventing Future Septic Alarm Triggers

Septic tank alarms are hugely helpful for identifying issues before they become an emergency. But frequent alarms mean your system needs some TLC to get it running right. Here are tips to help prevent future alarm triggers:

Conduct regular maintenance

  • Pump the tank as recommended (usually every 3-5 years)
  • Inspect system components annually for signs of wear or damage
  • Check and clean effluent filter regularly (if equipped)

Avoid overloading the tank

  • Repair any leaky fixtures or toilets
  • Install low-flow showerheads and faucets
  • Stagger laundry and dishwashing cycles
  • Spread water usage out over the week

Keep harm chemicals out of drains

  • Limit bleach, cleaners, oils, paints, and pesticides entering your system

Clear any drain clogs ASAP

This allows wastewater to properly flow out of the tank into the drain field.

Keep electrical system connections intact

Ensure pump and alarm power cables remain plugged in and undamaged.

Update old or undersized systems

If your septic tank is outdated or too small for your household, a new upgraded system can prevent overloads.

Consult septic professionals

They can assess your system and make recommendations to keep it running smoothly.

Having your septic alarm sound is never fun, but a quick call to qualified septic specialists can get your system repaired and prevent disastrous backups. With routine maintenance and careful water use, you can minimize nuisance alarms and keep your septic system functioning properly for years to come.

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